I have been researching my family history on and off for 30 years, my own ancestors seldom strayed from Dorset, but Stephen’s like to hide darkest Ireland, where records are hard to find.
The information in the family trees contained on this site is the work of many individuals over several decades.
The current results of our research can be accessed from the links below. The tree on this site now only contains individuals from my full tree who lie with in two generations of one of my or my husbands ancestors.
Family Tree Search
You can check out the links below to get a head start in our trees
Articles on Family Stories
To try and bring life to some of the people in my family tree I have produced several articles available here. Just select them from the Menu, find out what life was like in the 1870’s from my Great Great Grandfather Henry Charles (Harry) Mullins taken from a Dorset Echo article written in 1934. Alternatively take a look at the development of bus services in the Dorset villages with Grandfather Crabb, written by Roger Grimley, or what serving in India and Aden between the wars with the Devonshire Regiment meant for my paternal grandfather Jack Mullins.
You can check out even more Family Stories here